lunes, 15 de mayo de 2017

Uruguayan Human Rights Lawyer Denunces Azerbaijan's Blacklist

Uruguayan human rights lawyer, Oscar Lopez Goldaracena, denounced Azerbaijan for adding him to his "blacklist", after Prensa Armenia agency reported that the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry forbade him and other deputies and authorities of Bolivia who had officiated as international observers during the constitutional referendum in Artsakh (Nagorno Karabakh), from entering the country.

Goldaracena reported that "I immediately made the complaint to the Chancellor of the Republic Rodolfo Nin and to the National Human Rights Institution" and explained that Nagorno Karabakh is "a country of Armenian population, independent for 25 years by history and by decision of its people; A democratic, republican country, with an institutional framework in rights, with Ombudsman and mechanisms of direct democracy that really work."

"An example," added the lawyer. "A country that is not recognized by any other country in the world but that exists. It is Azerbaijan who attacks it."

"The population is at risk and has been the victim of war crimes. Hundreds of international observers, among whom I find myself, have corroborated what I am writing, as a way of threatening and preventing its recognition as an independent state. I would like to express my hope that, for peace and freedom, Uruguay repudiates these practices of 'black lists' and recognizes the independence, as sovereign state, of the Republic of Nagorno Karabakh," said Goldaracena.

Bolivian MPs Alicia Canqui, Nelly Lenz, Mario Mita Daza, and the Coordinator of Multi-Sector Solidarity Fair in the Bolivian Chamber of Deputies, Sandra Quiroz Quilo, are some of the new names of the extensive list of "personae non gratae" in Azerbaijan.
Fuente: Prensa Armenia