viernes, 28 de abril de 2017

Armenian Genocide Commemorated in Brazil

The Armenian youth of Brazil held a protest in front of the Turkish Consulate in São Paulo, Brazil, on April 26th. More than a hundred people attended the event on one of the rainiest days of the year according to the organizers.

The act was opened by Onnig Tamdjian, Chairman of the Tashnagtsutiun Tro Committee, who called everybody to renew the struggle and that "only justice and truth can close this sad page of human history". Bishop Nareg Berberian, Primate of the Armenian Apostolic Church of Brazil, reminded everyone that the act of protest honored the memory of our heroes and martyrs.

The director of the Armenian Community of Osasco (a city near São Paulo and one of the oldest Armenian communities) Cesar Sarkis Guludjian read the verses of William Saroyan "Armenia" to remember the strength of the Armenian people. Armen Kevork Pamboukdjian read the manifesto entitled "Truth, nothing less than that" demanding the Turkish government to assume its responsibilities and allow its country to reconcile with its past.

Fuente: Prensa Armenia